Important Links
Mill Retreat Centre
A spectacular new retreat centre set up by Kolinka Zinovieff
Harriet Joy: Bookings manager
Tel UK Mobile:(+44) 7986 701910
Soil Association
UK's leading environmental charity promoting sustainable, Organic farming and championing human health.
T: 0117 314 5000
Essential Oils and You
a helpful blog site with details on how to use essential oils to support, care and nurture in everyday life.
Active Lightworks
Active Lightworks was formed in 2006 to coordinate the provision of low cost and free therapy to those who need it most. Their consultative approach matches the skills of volunteer therapists with the needs of community groups, hospital wards and individuals in the Brighton and Hove area. NHR Organic Oils donate products to be used during these services.
The European equivalent of the Soil Association.
A non-profit animal welfare campaigning organisation which aims to promote the prevention of cruelty to animals.
T: 01242 252871
Ethical Junction
The Ethical Junction Network provides information on positively screened companies and organisations and links you through to ethical and sustainable products and services provided by its members.
T: 023 80016224
Octopus Energy
Friends of the Earth
The UK 's most influential environmental campaigning organisation with the most extensive environmental network in the world, with almost 1 million supporters across five continents and more than 70 national organisations worldwide.
T: 020 7490 1555
Greenpeace is an independent non-profit global campaigning organization committed to minimising negative impact on the environment.
T: 020 7865 8100
Freecycle International Network
Providing an electronic forum to "recycle" unwanted items.
Women's Environmental Network
Educating, empowering and informing women and men who care about the environment.
Michal Levin
Michal Levin is an internationally acclaimed intuitive and expert on Human energy and development. Kolinka Zinovieff has been working with Michal Levin for the last 15 years. For further information on her work please go to
New Green Jack
Time to change time to go Green
"The new green Union Jack symbolises the need for change at a national level: a change in attitude and a positive new green energy ambition", says Dale. "Britain can come together if we focus on our common cause, it’s called Climate Change”. Let's all hope for a bit of Mr Green from Mr Brown.