Botanical Name - Citrus bergamia
Aroma - Sweet, citrusy and fragrant
Extraction - Cold expression & steam distillation
Part of Plant - Peel
Colour - From green to yellow to clear
Country of Origin - Italy
Storage - Store oil in cool, dark area to keep fresh
Chemical Constituents - Limonene, linalol, linalyl acetate
Cautions - None. This oil is free from bergapten, so there are no cautions for skin exposed to the sun.
Uses - Refreshing, immune supporting, antiseptic and digestive. Useful in skincare and perfumery.
Mind & Spirit - Uplifting, anti-depressant, self empowering, supports confidence, aids in self expression
Organic Certificate - This essential oil is certified organic by the Soil Association, which means you can be sure that it has been produced to the highest ethical and environmental standards. The Soil Association’s standards exceed the UK government's minimum requirements for organic products in many areas but particularly in animal welfare, GM and the use of pesticides. Standards are constantly reviewed to ensure they deal with current issues.