Botanical Name - Illicum verum
Aroma - Warm, spicy and sweet liquorice
Extraction - Steam distillationPart of Plant - The fruitsCountry of Origin - China
Chemical constituents - Trans/cis-anethole, limonene, a-pinene
Caution - Use in moderationUses - Antiseptic, stimulating. Settles the stomach and eases tired muscles and joints. Useful for balancing sensitive people and for IBS where indecision and acceptance are factors.
Organic Certificate - This essential oil is certified organic by the Soil Association, which means you can be sure that it has been produced to the highest ethical and environmental standards. The Soil Association’s standards exceed the UK government's minimum requirements for organic products in many areas, but particularly in animal welfare, GM and the use of pesticides. Standards are constantly reviewed to ensure they deal with current issues.
Botanical Name - Eucalyptus polybractea
Aroma - Fresh, cool camphoraceous aromaExtraction - Steam distillation Part of Plant - Leaves
Country of Origin - FranceChemical Constituents - Para cymene, β phellandrene & 1.8 cineole, cryptone
Caution - Avoid with children under 10 years
Uses - Antibacterial, expectorant and anti microbial. A refreshing and uplifting oil. Soothes aching muscles and eases stiff joints. Supports the respiratory system - excellent for inhalations.
Botanical Name - Pimpinella anisum
Aroma - Warm, sweet, liquorice-like aromaExtraction - Steam distillation Part of Plant - SeedCountry of Origin - EgyptChemical Constituents - Trans Anethole, γ-Himachlene, D-Carvone
Caution - Avoid if pregnant or breastfeeding and with children under 5 years. May cause drowsiness. Use in moderation.
Uses - Antiseptic, aromatic and digestive. Soothes everyday aches and pains. Respiratory system.
Organic Certificate - This essential oil is certified organic by the Soil Association which means you can be sure that it has been produced to the highest ethical and environmental standards. The Soil Association's standards exceed the UK government's minimum requirements for organic products in many areas, but particularly in animal welfare, GM and the use of pesticides. Standards are constantly reviewed to ensure they deal with current issues.
Botanical Name - Angelica archangelica
Aroma - Dry, spicy and earthy Extraction - Steam distillation Part of Plant - RootCountry of Origin - FranceChemical Constituents - Myrcene, a-pinene, b-phellandrene
Caution - Avoid in pregnancy and diabetes. Photo toxic - avoid sunlight and sunbeds for at least 12 hours after use.
Uses - Optimises the healthy elimination of toxins and gently stimulates the lymphatic system. Angelica strengthens the body on many levels by supporting digestion, the immune system and the nervous system.
Botanical Name - Coriandrum sativum
Also known as - Cilantro, dhanya
Aroma - Sweet, fresh and herbaceousExtraction - Steam distillation Part of Plant - LeavesCountry of Origin - Hungary/RussiaChemical Constituents - trans-2-decenal, decanal, linalol
Caution - Possible sensitisation in some individuals. Use in moderation.
Uses - Revitalising, deodorant and purifying. Detoxifying and blood cleansing. Supports the digestion and improves appetite.